
How Preply works

How does Preply work: Get fluent with your ideal tutor.

Advance in your career or explore the world with personalized 1-on-1 language lessons taught by the best online tutors.
Preply learner, looking at her laptop during an online lesson.


Experienced tutors


5-star tutor reviews


Subjects taught


Tutor nationalities


on the App Store

How does Preply work?

Get fluent in three steps.

Find your online tutor

Choose your learning preferences and get matched with tutors who fit your budget and schedule.
You can watch their intro videos, read through their profile and reviews, and chat with them to make sure you get the best tutor for you.

Book a trial lesson

Choose a 25 or 50 min trial lesson and your preferred time before the payment.
During the trial, you’ll get to know the tutor and create a personalized learning plan together. If you're unsatisfied with your trial, you can switch to another tutor for free or opt for a full refund.

Subscribe to your tutor

Once you’ve completed a trial lesson and are happy with your tutor, you’re ready to subscribe!
Choose how many lessons you want to have a week/month, and you’ll be charged on a 28-day cycle. Your subscription will be automatically renewed until you cancel it.

Easily manage your subscription

Schedule weekly lessons at a fixed time or customize them individually based on your availability. Easily reschedule, add more lessons, or switch tutors. You can also postpone your subscription renewal date or cancel it anytime.

What are the benefits of learning on Preply?

Preply learner, looking at the camera during an online language lesson.

Learn on your budget and schedule

Learn with an expert tutor and pay for a subscription that fits your budget. Lessons are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for your convenience.
Preply tutor and learner during an online language lesson, both looking at the camera.

Personalized lessons with the right tutor

Set your own goals and get a personalized learning plan. Whether you prefer a native-speaking tutor or one who communicates in your language, we've got you covered with 32,000+ tutors from 160+ countries!
Preply tutor during an online language lesson, explaining something to a learner.

Speak confidently

Get real-time feedback from real-life online tutors, with constant support to accelerate your learning and get you feeling confident in no time.
Preply learner standing up and looking at her tablet, writing somthing on the keyboard.

Improve beyond your lessons

Practice between lessons with our vocabulary feature, chat with your tutor anytime, and get free access to tons of learning tools to help you keep the momentum going.

Experience unparalleled learning.

Improve your skills using our web and app features crafted by language experts.
mobile phone image with a woman looking at the camera

Stay motivated

Want to take lessons you
truly enjoy? We got you covered
with Conversation Starters that
cover a variety of topics. 
icon of a list of tasks

Track your progress

Improve your skills in every
lesson with our speaking
tracker and progress tests.
image of a card with a word, simulating how learners can practice words

Improve your vocab

Reinforce your learnings with
daily practice using
our Vocab feature.
Speech bubble with the word "Hello" in it.

Speak, speak, speak!

Practice at your own pace and
correct mistakes using our new
AI speaking feature!
(Coming soon).
image with a list with exercises that learners can use for language learning

Improve constantly

Access courses and exercises based
on your interests, and get
personalized ones created by our tutors
with our AI Teaching Assistant.
illustration of a book with sticky notes on its pages

All in one place

Message your tutor and access
learning materials and class
notes all in one place.

What our users say.

Patrick Lebrat


Jan 17, 2024

I’ve been using Preply for 3 months. I’m really satisfied by the lessons and my teacher. To me, this is the right way to improve my English, getting more fluent and confident. The prices of the lessons are affordable according to the teacher you choose.

Carlos Galvez


Feb 17, 2024

You can find in Preply many native language speaking tutors that can help you to improve your language level, and people of Preply can assist you effectively. awesome!

Ashton I


Dec 19, 2023

Choosing Preply for language learning has been a game-changer for me, and I look forward to continuing my educational journey on this fantastic platform. Kudos to the Preply team and the amazing tutors who enrich the learning experience! Highly recommended! 🌟

Adama Illyassa


Dec 21, 2023

This is a very good site for finding tutors for the languages you need. There are also a lot of great search categories, such as the maximum price of the tutor, the origin of the tutor himself (which country he is from), as well as very quick help in case you have any questions.

Irina Komleva


Dec 15, 2023

Super intuitive platrform, greate range of teachers, customer support works fast and addresses individual issues. I have been with Preply for more than two years and not planning on change.

Find the right tutor for you.

Start your learning journey and unleash new opportunities with a Preply tutor.

Speaks English (Native)


per lesson


65 reviews

Business English teacherGood day to you and thanks for viewing my profile. As you can see from the reviews from former, and current students, I can really help you improve your English! Let me explain some of those ways: Perfecting your accent when you speak English, so that people can understand you better

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Speaks English (Native)


per lesson


52 reviews

Native speaker with 27 years of teaching experienceFirst of all, I am qualified to teach English in the US, having graduated, (with honors), from a prestigious American university, after studying English, teaching, and rhetoric, (i. e. the art of language. ) This alone would put me in the top 5% of teachers on this site.

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Speaks English (Native)


per lesson

Qualified, experienced native British English teacher. General and Business English.I am a qualified, experienced native British English speaker with a post-graduate diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. I teach students aged 5 to adult. I have 21 years of experience teaching English as a Foreign Language to students aged 5 to adult. I have a TEFLA Teaching Certificate. I use PPP and TTT teaching methodology.

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Speaks English (Native)


per lesson


175 reviews

Certified and experienced IELTS and TOEFL trainer and professional Business English teacher.I motivate and guide students to achieve their goals. It depends on what is the problem they are facing. Sometimes they just want to practice speaking to improve their fluency. Sometimes it's more complicated which is a language barrier and I need to boost their confidence.

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Speaks English (Native)


per lesson


17 reviews

Fully Qualified Native English teacher - Over 11 years' experienceMy name is Thomas. I have a university teaching diploma as well as a CELTA and a young learner specialist qualification. Over the years, I have taught students General and Business English and prepared them for ESOL exams, IELTS, PTE, FCE, CAE, CPE and helped younger students to prepare them for Cambridge English Tests.

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Speaks English (Native)


per lesson


17 reviews

Building confidence and competence - Developing vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation - IELTS CPE CAE Hello. I am a native British English speaker, based near London. I am a sympathetic and patient mentor. We can work together to find the right approach for your needs. This is, of course, one of the advantages of individual lessons. Besides many others, I have been teaching Russian-speaking English ...

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FAQs on how Preply works.

Yes, absolutely! Our platform provides an extensive selection of experienced tutors, each with expertise in working with beginners and learners across all levels.
Find a tutor by using the filters on our search page. These allow you to browse tutors who match your preferences, including factors like price, availability, and qualifications.  
Trials are 25 or 50-min live lessons that let you meet a tutor to decide if you’d like to continue learning with them. Most tutors use these lessons to clarify your goals and give you a taste of their teaching style.
If you like your tutor, you’ll choose a subscription plan based on how many hours you’d like to study each week. Our flexible subscriptions can be paused, canceled or updated at any time.
If your trial lesson doesn't live up to your expectations, no problem at all! You can switch to another tutor for free or opt for a full refund – it's all about making sure you're happy with your learning experience.
The subscription model allows students to choose how many lessons they want to take with a tutor each week and pay for their classes with a recurring payment every 28 days. Students are offered a choice of subscription plans after their trial lessons.
You can choose subscriptions between 1 hour/week to 5 hours/week. We recommend that you discuss with your tutor on their availability before selecting your subscription
You can postpone your subscription renewal date and take any remaining lessons, as long as the tutor has availability to book the lessons. However, if you have unscheduled hours on your balance when your subscription renews, 1 week of your monthly hours will be carried forward into the next payment period.
You will be able to cancel the lesson for free up to 12 hours before the scheduled time. After this time, only full cost cancellation option is available. Plan your schedule with confidence, knowing you have the flexibility you need.
The name "Preply" is a mash-up, with "PREP-" representing preparation and "-LY" symbolizing speaking confidently. Therefore, the overall meaning is "Prepare to speak confidently.

Still got doubts?

If you have any more questions or need advice, check out our Help Center – your one-stop shop for tips and answers from the Preply Team.