AI and the Changing Landscape of Learning and Development

Sandler Advisor
The Sandler Advisor is a complimentary quarterly e-newsletter filled with relevant, real-world sales and leadership topics designed to help you succeed. From business development and sales prospecting to leadership coaching, management, and recruitment, the Sandler Advisor has it all.
Three Key Takeaways For Selling in an AI World
By Tim Roberts
In this article, I’ve shared my three biggest takeaways from 2023, the year of AI. These are the critical lessons I’ve implemented in my own world, and that I’ve been sharing with my clients.
Tie the Performance Goal to a Personal Goal
By David Mattson
Your job as the leader isn’t to repeat the corporate performance goal to me. It’s to help me connect the dots, to link that corporate performance goal to my personal goal.
The Value of Communicating With Your Client as the Year Ends
By Tina Phillips
The more opportunities you have to interact with buyers, the better! The end of the year is an opportune time to reach out and reconnect with your clients and prospects to get in front of them prior to the new year.
Sales Leaders: Improve Forecast Accuracy and Closing Ratios… by Aligning Your Sales Process, and Your Debrief, With the Buyer Journey
By David Mattson
Yet, at the same time, it’s the sales leader’s job to set the benchmark for qualification- to clearly define what is and isn’t a qualified opportunity. In other words, the quality of the revenue forecast depends on the quality of the pipeline debrief led by the sales leader.
AI and the Changing Landscape of Learning and Development
By Mike Montague
Sandler’s position is that sales leaders who understand and embrace these transformative technologies will be the ones whose organizations get ahead and stay ahead in the ongoing race for innovation, growth, and market share.
Five Powerful Behaviors That Build Customer Loyalty
By The Sandler Customer Success Team
Remember: Keeping a client is typically ten times cheaper and easier than finding a new one. Here are five powerful behaviors you can build into your account plan to support better, more profitable, and more loyal business relationships.
Sandler Research Center Survey Identifies Three Critical Best Practices of Effective SMB Sales Leaders
By The Sandler Research Center
In early summer 2023, the Sandler Research Center fielded a survey to measure current responses to a number of questions of interest to sales leaders. The intent was to provide an annual review of trends in sales leadership, and to provide a snapshot of several critical benchmarks relevant to the sales space.