Visualize ROI

Visualize ROI
A Value Communication Engine
Are you looking for a tool that generates valuable detailed content about your prospects?
Visualize ROI is a web-based software service that enables sales and marketing leaders to simply and effectively create, present and share a variety of return on investment, total cost of ownership and pain calculator tools for the purpose of engaging and helping to close prospects and clients, enabling marketing and sales organizations to effectively provide a business case to buyers.
Visualize ROI can help your organization with…
- Win rates that suffer because buyers don’t understand the value of the offering.
- Lead conversion by providing detailed info to truly qualify the opportunity and serve as the basis for an informed sales conversation.
- Sales cycles that get stuck or get lost with no decision.
- Sales that get heavily discounted.
VisualizeROI is helpful for sales and marketing professionals in any industry, including: cloud solutions, security, healthcare, outsourced services, advertising, energy, government, hardware & manufacturing, and distribution.
How does Visualize ROI address these issues?
Sales and marketing professionals can use the platform to develop a library of web-based tools which can be used by salespeople in one-on-one conversations with clients, or by marketing on a company’s website as a way to engage and nurture prospects around the value of their solutions.
Examples of deployment include:
- Pain Calculator
- Savings or benefit estimator
- ROI calculator
- Total cost of ownership calculator
Try the Calculator
See how the VisualizeROI free calculator can help project your sales goals.
What differentiates this tool from other ROI calculators?
Many B2B marketing and sales organizations have some form of savings estimators, ROI tools, or pain calculators in spreadsheet format, PowerPoint or other document formats. Bottom line—they’re not easy to use, interactive or engaging, and forget using it as a lead generator on your website. Having an interactive, dynamic, web-based tool collect info from users in an engaging way provides the foundation for a more collaborative discussion for the sales team who can translate prospects’ info into value statements or business cases.
Take a Test Drive
Captures detailed information with this interactive tool, and generate a detailed snapshot of your prospects and clients. That intel can translate into exponential improvements to your bottom line.