Refine Your Sales Process With a Sales Template

A sales template is defined as the step by step set of interactions you want your prospect to go through because it will give you a clear competitive advantage or otherwise increase the chances of you winning the business. An efficient sale system enables you to consistently achieve a desired outcome or set of outcomes without wasting time, energy, money etc. The most effective sales tools templates are basic enough to accommodate for change (focused on each stage of the sales meeting). Having critical reviews of each step is important because it takes out the guess work and decreases the time of reinventing the process.
Ways to develop your sales template:
- Develop a flow chart of your sales process (make the chart dynamic with options).
- Get specific – develop the script and questions to ask your prospect during each phase. Use the Sandler Submarine as a guide.
- Establish an internal and external sales template. Internal: used only within the organization and external: detailing your process to the prospect. By doing so, it keeps all parties involved in lined during the process.
Still think it’s painful to sit down and establish a sales template for your business? Remember the Sandler Philosophy:
- Professional Selling is a noble profession. Do not let the prospect treat you with disrespect.
- Be sure to understand the prospect’s issue, budget and decision process before you try to convince them of anything.
- Help the prospect discover the real Pain and that you are the solution.
Armed with the reasons to establish a sales template, the ways to go about doing so along with the reasons behind the why, are we at Sandler Training charge you to take action! Start and complete your sales template. Get feedback from your Sandler Trainer. Go as far as implementing and adapting your sales template until you establish a sales process that works well for you and your organization.
You can follow the prospect’s plan and feed your ego. Or, you can follow your own plans and feed your family, but you can’t do both. The choice is yours.”