Sales Leader or Sales Coordinator – Sandler on

Sales leadership comes with the good, bad, and ugly. Whether you love the fast pace or you’re more in tune to mentoring and leading people, the most important part of a sales leadership strategy is a proven, consistent process.
Sure, there are days where we fall into the same routine of keeping up with an overflowing pile of non-coaching responsibilities that keep us from connecting with each salesperson. We may be:
- Generating and explaining status reports to the executive team.
- Managing commission reports and other human resource related items.
- Giving feedback to marketing teams in support of overall inbound promotional initiatives.
- Working with outside vendors on important new technology integrations including CRM or data append services.
But in the end, if you’re responsible for a sales team, there’s something we’d like you to read. Recently, Haley Ayraud, speaker, trainer, coach, and principal with Sandler Training Boston recently wrote a strong, detailed article on, on the differences between being a sales leader and a sales coordinator.
It’s no secret that sales leadership and coaching processes separate “leading” from “coordinating.” It also clears the path from confusion, wasted time, frustrations, and more.
Discover where your leadership style fits by reading the full article here.