4 Reasons Customer Service is More Important Than Ever Before

The sales industry is fast-paced now and isn’t showing signs of slowing down. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the clutter of new selling techniques, emerging technologies, and more specialized analytics. Although those components – and some others – can play a major role in your level of success. It would be a mistake to spend too much time on them and ignore the basics. Before you get carried away learning this or that, remember to take it back to your roots and ensure that you are providing optimum customer service. If you have strayed a bit or are just looking for a reminder, below are five imperative tactics to employ in your practice.
1. Personalize Your Proposal
In a previous post, we highlighted the importance of personalizing your customer service. The blog starts out with a quirky anecdote of two individuals who visited the same auto-repair shop and came away with entirely different perceptions. One liked the over-the-top brown-nosing employed by the service rep, and the other found it too obtrusive and annoying. The point of that article hits home; make sure you know your audience and personalize your service to them. If your prospect or buyer is laid back or you sense they are an introvert, don’t act too gregariously. Conversely, if you are approaching an individual who thrives on excitement and loves to gab, cater the experience to their will.
This mentality shouldn’t stop with the difference in emotional energy put into a proposal. Really get to know your prospects, clients, and partners. Whether you execute your game-plan perfectly, or not, your target will certainly take note of your commitment and will hopefully react positively.
2. Present Consistent Messaging
This may seem contradictory to the first tactic, but below the surface, it makes senses. When you approach a prospect or existing client, it’s key to keep in mind both the message you are sending and the one your company sends. While you’re selling yourself to them as a conduit, you’re selling the companies beliefs, values, and products or services. If you are you’re acting in opposition of what your organization stands for, you’re disturbing the expectations set by your clientele.
Take this for example – a recent study suggests that more than 65% of consumers consult multiple channels before making a purchase. If those different channels are reporting different messages or communicating dissimilar content, there is a greater likelihood that their target will reconsider their purchase decision. It’s your challenge as a seller to create a personalized experience for your audience, while remaining consistent with your organizations position.
3. Communicate to Contribute
One of the buzzwords you’re sure to hear if you’re dealing with a large client-base, is “nurture funnel.” This is the bank of potential buyers that you build up with intention of targeting and retargeting until they take action, and then nurturing them once they are clients. CRM experts state that you should only contact your funnel when you can provide them with valuable insights or content.
The same can be said for reaching out on an individual basis. Every time you initiate conversation with your clients, regardless of the channel, make sure that you are able to provide value to them. Whether that means you are offering them guidance, participation in an exclusive deal, or the latest update on your company, demonstrate your significance and why it should matter for them.
4. Be Intentional
All too often, sellers are replaceable. If you fall into this category, it’s most likely because you view your clients as replaceable as well. While occasionally some clients aren’t worth the hassle, maintaining relationships is more likely to gain you sales, because on average, keeping an existing client is five times less expensive than acquiring a new one. With that in mind, it’s important that you maintain your relationships with clients. And what’s the best way to do that? They obviously hired you for a reason and look to you in helping their business grow, so be invaluable and become part of their team. Study their business inside and out until you know you can provide value outside of your traditional responsibilities. By demonstrating that you are willing to go to work for them, your clients will be more likely to view you as a true partner – invested in accomplishing their business’ goals.
Every once in a while, take a step back from your pursuit of learning the newest industry trends and make sure you’re still employing the basics. As you communicate with clients; personalize your proposal, be consistent, contribute value, and be intentional. If you combine these four tactics, you’re sure to improve your relationship with your clients and help them achieve their goals.
To learn more about effective customer service, download your free guide today: 7 Ways Your Customer Service Team Can Increase Revenues.