Sandler Research Center Archives - Sandler Sales and leadership training and coaching solutions for salespeople, sales managers, and executives Mon, 11 Dec 2023 16:07:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sandler Research Report | Sandler Sales Benchmark Report Wed, 06 Dec 2023 00:00:43 +0000 During the Summer of 2023, Sandler Research Center conducted research to establish a snapshot of Sales Benchmarks. The survey was completed by more than 300 global respondents with an emphasis on small and medium-sized organizations defined by annual revenue of less than $50 million. The results were quite optimistic given that the global economy was...

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During the Summer of 2023, Sandler Research Center conducted research to establish a snapshot of Sales Benchmarks.

The survey was completed by more than 300 global respondents with an emphasis on small and medium-sized organizations defined by annual revenue of less than $50 million.

The results were quite optimistic given that the global economy was quite uncertain at the time. The results are interesting and intended to be a snapshot of sales conditions at the time.

A few key insights of the research show that:

  • 55% of respondents report their sales team at 50% of quote or above– up from 48% when SRC asked this question in 2019.
  • 63% of respondents believe they have the right people in the right roles. That results was significantly more (23 point) than when SRC asked in 2019.
  • 2023 results were almost 10% higher than 2019 for the question how effective was the training a sales manager received before taking on the role.
  • About a third or respondents said the ongoing training a manager gets is LESS THAN effective.
  • A similar response (about a third) for those who say their managers are less than effective at coaching.
  • About 36% responded their sales and marketing teams were less than effective in working together to drive business.



Fill out the form to download a full copy of the report or review our other resources here.

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Sandler Research Report | 2022 Sales Performance Scorecard Study Tue, 15 Nov 2022 20:05:32 +0000 The Sales Environment Today and Beyond The 2022 Sales Performance Scorecard engaged with 850 sales professionals to gauge the state of sales today. At first glance, the current state of sales performance looks promising. The average percentage of sales professionals meeting or exceeding quota was 61% while the average company revenue plan attainment figure was...

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The Sales Environment Today and Beyond
The 2022 Sales Performance Scorecard engaged with 850 sales professionals to gauge the state of sales today. At first glance, the current state of sales performance looks promising. The average percentage of sales professionals meeting or exceeding quota was 61% while the average company revenue plan attainment figure was 92%. But what will financial, economic, and political uncertainty in 2023 bring? Changing market conditions represent threats and challenges – but the most likely to weather the storm are those who are best prepared.

The 2022 Sales Performance Scorecard provides data and insights to guide you to begin to determine how you sell will need to improve and how to best utilize limited available resources to drive sales success tomorrow.

Sponsored by Sandler and Conducted by Sales Mastery, LLC.

Fill out the form to download a full copy of the report or review our other resources here.

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Sandler Research Report | Sales and Marketing Alignment Wed, 29 Jun 2022 20:13:56 +0000 Sales and Marketing Alignment Remains a Major Challenge Close alignment between sales and marketing is potentially the greatest opportunity for improving business performance today. Yet at most organizations, sales and marketing are still working in separate silos, and are often working at cross purposes. Only 10% of organizations surveyed reported satisfactory alignment and optimally effective...

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Sales and Marketing Alignment Remains a Major Challenge

Close alignment between sales and marketing is potentially the greatest opportunity for improving business performance today. Yet at most organizations, sales and marketing are still working in separate silos, and are often working at cross purposes. Only 10% of organizations surveyed reported satisfactory alignment and optimally effective communication between these two teams.

The Benefit of Alignment

When sales and marketing teams fully embrace a partnership to find, nurture, and develop marketing leads, this research demonstrates a greater likelihood for overall success. It is clear that both teams need to frequently communicate and optimize their efforts. Both need to agree on common definitions of the process and revisit them as needed for ongoing modifications.

Fill out the form to download a full copy of the report or review our other resources here.

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Sandler Research Report | What Buyers Want and How Buyers Work Sat, 07 Aug 2021 00:10:09 +0000 It’s obvious that the pandemic forced the buyer/seller relationship online. The organizations that survived this transition and thrived are the ones who quickly adapted to fit this new world. The reality is that digitization was always going to happen – it has been anticipated for quite some time. COVID simply accelerated its arrival. Buyer’s Process...

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It’s obvious that the pandemic forced the buyer/seller relationship online. The organizations that survived this transition and thrived are the ones who quickly adapted to fit this new world. The reality is that digitization was always going to happen – it has been anticipated for quite some time. COVID simply accelerated its arrival.

Buyer’s Process and ways to Adapt the Changes

This survey provides a view into the changes in the buyer’s journey and process as well as insights into the best way vendor’s can adapt their strategies and techniques to best match the process. The survey covers:

  • Exploration and Awareness
  • Interest and Considerations
  • Vendor Selection Survey


More than anything, today’s buyers want to be understood and not sold to: They need to feel respected, and trust that the vendor is continually working to earn the right to their business.

Fill out the form to download a full copy of the report or review our other resources here.

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Sandler Research Report | The Essential Components for Sustaining Overachieving Sales Performance Wed, 31 Mar 2021 17:11:18 +0000 Explore the dynamics of selling today, tomorrow, and into the future.

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This survey provides innovative strategies that drive success in a sales environment. We discovered five critical elements that can lead to a higher sales performance, and affect every aspect of a business. There are key differences among a sales team and organization that are important to understand. Our findings help answer why only 20% of sales professionals are able to perform at or above quota, while the majority struggle with driving sales success.

Critical Element for Sales Leaders #1: Start Off on the Right Foot

Our findings showed that overachieving sales professionals were 1.5x more likely than underachieving sales professionals to have a manager skilled in sales training. Sales leaders who are able to create a positive experience for a newly hired salesperson displayed strengths in three specific activities: recruiting team members, onboarding new members of the sales team, and coaching their sales team one-on-one. Developing these skills in sales management is effective in creating a sales team that feels motivated to generate a higher income.

Critical Element for Sales Leaders #2: Create a Formal Sales Process

Data from our survey reinforces the need for successful sales teams to have and follow a clear sales process. Higher-performing sales teams were 1.4x more likely to have a formal sales process that utilized performance metrics. These teams were also 2.8x more likely than the lower performing sales teams to consistently follow that sales process.

Fill out the form to download a full copy of the report or review our other resources here.

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Sandler Research Report | The Critical Elements of Proactive Client Retention Wed, 31 Mar 2021 17:09:09 +0000 These are clearly challenging times for all of us and leaving aside the enormous anxiety over health issues for our loved ones, friends and colleagues, there are also the commercial issues.

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We set out to discover the client retention strategies of the most successful companies and to learn their techniques of managing sales relationships.

Avoiding Poor Customer Service: How to save a sales relationship?

Our research suggests that it is far simpler to turn an existing customer into a repeat customer. The probability of converting a new lead is only 5-20% at best, while creating a repeat customer has a 60-70% likelihood of occurring. This survey highlights how the behaviors behind strengthening a sales relationship will help you to create a business that is sustained by client growth. Avoid the chance of your customers changing suppliers because they no longer feel valued by your organization.

Creating Efficient Account Management: Where to invest time and money?

Although most companies traditionally spend more money on new client acquisition, client retention often costs up to fifteen times less than finding, qualifying, and selling to a new client. Setting the stage for open communication and strategic interaction can positively affect your major accounts for years to come. Learn where to set objectives to ensur

Fill out the form to download a full copy of the report or review our other resources here.

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Sandler Research Report | The Hunt for New Clients Wed, 31 Mar 2021 17:07:41 +0000 Do you have a clearly defined strategy that maximizes their sales function’s valuable selling time and minimizes the related costs?

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Although lead generation is a key part of the sales process, clearly defining a strategy on securing new clients seems to be a difficult task for many sales organizations. We set out to try to answer the question: how do successful businesses maximize their sales team’s time and minimize the cost of lead generation?

Evaluate Your Lead Generation Strategy

Our data results helped us uncover three strategic topics to consider when evaluating different lead generation initiatives:

  1. Effectiveness – which lead generation activities produced the most quality leads?
  2. Cost – what were the tangible costs for each lead generation initiative?
  3. Time – how much time did it take to create and follow up on each initiative?

Utilizing Referrals to Create New Clients

Our survey highlights what the most successful sales leaders have known all along: referrals are one of the most effective tools for lead generation.

When it comes to investing where exactly to create these referrals, our survey also uncovered that the most successful platforms for hunting for new clients are:

  • LinkedIn
  • Event Participation (Networking Events)
  • Digital Marketing Campaigns

Developing a consistent prospecting routine can help you find the types of clients you want to attract. This report will help you determine the best lead generation methods for your business by defining your strategy and creating more relevant opportunities.

Fill out the form to download a full copy of the report or review our other resources here.

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Sandler Research Report | The Client Experience Wed, 31 Mar 2021 17:06:27 +0000 Client experience is set to become one of the most important issues facing businesses in every market.

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As our previous surveys have shown, client retention helps with long-term business growth. This is why we furthered our research to determine how creating an engaging experience for your clients can be equally as important. 

Proactive Methods of Client Success

Our data shows that companies who create proactive methods of retaining clients have the ability to gain a deeper understanding of both the buyer’s long-term goals and the overall business climate.

This perspective has assisted us in creating five key principles for our research into the client experience:

  1. The Client Journey
  2. Identifying “Critical Moments”
  3. Benchmarking for Client Satisfaction
  4. Engaging the Team
  5. Sustaining Symbiotic Value

Building Mutual Profitability   

The data we collected shows that top-performing organizations know how to strike a balance between achieving immediate results and fully developing their client relationships. They understand the value behind a positive client experience. This mutual effort offers the chance to:

  • Increase spend and loyalty while reducing cost.
  • Promote your company through positive word-of-mouth.
  • Differentiate you from your competition.
  • Justify premium prices for your products and services.

Fill out the form to download a full copy of the report or review our other resources here.

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Sandler Research Report | Leading from the Front in Challenging Times Wed, 31 Mar 2021 16:21:40 +0000 Whatever label we choose to hang on our new preferred style of selling, there will be considerable implications for sales management.

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With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, our research team set out to discover the challenges and changes sales leaders faced. We found that over 71% of participants said their organization’s sales processes had undergone strategic change as a result of the transition to remote commercial trading.

Embracing the Virtual Selling Environment

The pandemic accelerated the use of digital strategy to increase sales opportunities. Our research found that 68.2% of survey participants reported an investment in new sales technology to better assist sellers. An almost equivalent amount said that this technology, when used efficiently, led their team to be more productive. However, the data collected also shows that this was not the case for teams who did not feel comfortable using this newly invested technology.

Big or Small, Change Affects Us All

However, it was also quite clear that management strategy was dependent on the size of the respondent’s organization.

To understand the differences better, organizations were broken into four sizes based on the annual revenue reported by the survey participants. This included those with an annual revenue of:

  • Less than 1 million dollars.
  • Between 1 and 10 million dollars.
  • Between 10 and 500 million dollars.
  • Greater than 500 million dollars.

Despite working remotely, leaders in organizations must continue to ensure that their team is fully capable of working at their top capacity and that their skills can offer continued success.

Fill out the form to download a full copy of the report or review our other resources here.

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