Sandler Research Report | The Critical Elements of Proactive Client Retention

We set out to discover the client retention strategies of the most successful companies and to learn their techniques of managing sales relationships.
Avoiding Poor Customer Service: How to save a sales relationship?
Our research suggests that it is far simpler to turn an existing customer into a repeat customer. The probability of converting a new lead is only 5-20% at best, while creating a repeat customer has a 60-70% likelihood of occurring. This survey highlights how the behaviors behind strengthening a sales relationship will help you to create a business that is sustained by client growth. Avoid the chance of your customers changing suppliers because they no longer feel valued by your organization.
Creating Efficient Account Management: Where to invest time and money?
Although most companies traditionally spend more money on new client acquisition, client retention often costs up to fifteen times less than finding, qualifying, and selling to a new client. Setting the stage for open communication and strategic interaction can positively affect your major accounts for years to come. Learn where to set objectives to ensur
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